"When Service & Delivery Count"

GHA Technologies, Inc.

"When Service & Delivery Count"

"When Service and Delivery Count"

Modernize Your Business Protection with Fortinet Luncheons

GHA Technologies, Inc. along with Fortinet invite you to join us for a luncheon in your local area. During the luncheon you will learn about Fortinet Steps to Successful Business Cybersecurity.

We will discuss how Fortinet can Modernize Your Business Protection:

  • Create a Secure Network
  • Enable Work-from-Anywhere Users with Secure Access
  • Enforce Consistent Cloud Application Security
  • Simplify Security, Management, and Ongoing Operations

RSVP today to learn everything you need to jump-start or enhance business protection with Fortinet.


October 11th at 11:30am - 1:00pm

4199 Paces Ferry Road, SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30339

October 17th at 11:30am - 1:00pm

260 Ranch Dr
Milpitas, CA 95035


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